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DevOps Basics for Web Developers

Published: September 25, 2024
DevOps Nginx Redis Load Testing Programming
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Approaching DevOps correctly

Aang awakening lol

As a frontend-focused developer, Iā€™ve been appoaching learning DevOps the wrong way. After all, my job was to focus on user interfaces, making apps functional, and look beautiful. But thereā€™s two (2) things I was very wrong at. First, I thought, I only need to learn it once I start working on production apps that already have thousands of users. Second, I thought I could learn DevOps by just taking cloud services certifications. But no, hereā€™s what everyone should realize about DevOps.

So, our first move should be identifying where our app slows down. Itā€™s hard to see performance issue locally, but, in production, with multiple users and increased load, you might experience bottlenecks such as slow database performance or server resource exhaustion.

Simulating real-world traffic locally

Slow API

Load test result from a very slow API šŸ¢

Once you have identified where your app slows down, whether itā€™s from database queries, cpu (or memory)-intensive code, large disk operations (i/o), or network latency from having too much external serivces. Itā€™s time for you to check some of the basic concepts from DevOps below and see how each can help you.

Solving common problems with concepts from DevOps

Slow response time

Common causes: Query repitition (not caching) & Slow DB queries

- Caching

Writing slow queries is inevitable, and if you canā€™t really do anything to optimize your database, caching can help sidestep some of the inefficienies. With that, weā€™re going to use Redis - a tool often used for caching due to its in-memory speed āš”ļø.

To get started, make sure to install Redis on your machine first.

Next, install redis (the npm package) on your API server.

  • npm install redis

Then, create a single instance of redis (should be outside of your API route handlers)

// /utils.ts
import { createClient } from "redis";

let redisClient;

if (!redisClient) {
redisClient = createClient();
redisClient.on("error", (err: any) => console.error("Redis Client Error", err));

export const redis = redisClient;

Finally, start caching those slow ahh database queries šŸ˜©.

import { redis } from "/utils";

router.get('/api/sessions', async (req, res) => {
try {
  // Check if the data is cached
  const cachedSessions = await redis.get('all_sessions');

  if (cachedSessions) {
    // If cached, return the data real quick āš”ļø
    return res.json(JSON.parse(cachedSessions));

  // Fetch sessions from the database if not cached
  const sessions = await db.sessions.findMany({
    include: {
      student: true,
      tutor: true,
      subject: true,

  // Cache the result in Redis with a TTL of 1 hour (3600 seconds)
  await redis.setEx('all_sessions', 3600, JSON.stringify(sessions));

  // Return the fetched data
  return res.json(sessions);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error fetching sessions:', error);
  return res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' });

Now, what if the sessions table has been updated on the database? Hereā€™s how you update the cache as well, so itā€™s in-sync with the data from database.

// Example route to update a session
router.put('/sessions/:id', async (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.params;
const updatedData = req.body;

try {
  const updatedSession = await db.sessions.update({
    where: { id: Number(id) },
    data: updatedData,

  // Invalidate the cache since the sessions table was updated
  await redis.del('all_sessions');

  return res.json(updatedSession);
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error updating session:', error);
  return res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' });

With that, you just saved your database from exhausting its resources, and your users from getting timeouts! Check out the official docs if you want to learn more about using Redis on Node.js.

- Optimizing DB queries

For this one, weā€™ll focus on tackling the most notorious issue when querying something from the database - the n+1 problem.

Btw, the N+1 problem occurs when your code executes one query to fetch a list of items (N), and then for each of those items, it executes another query to fetch related data (hence the ā€œ+1ā€ query for each item).

// Please don't do this!!
const sessions = await db.sessions.findMany();

const nPlusOneProblem = await Promise.all( (session) => {
  const student = await db.students.findFirst({
    where: { id: session.student_id },
  const tutor = await db.tutors.findFirst({
    where: { id: session.tutor_id },
  const subject = await db.tutor_subjects.findFirst({
    where: { id: session.subject_id },

  return {

To fix this, ORMs like Prisma have an easy way for you.

// Yay! Fast query!

// If you're using Prisma
const sessions = await db.sessions.findMany({
include: {
  student: true,
  tutor: true,   
  subject: true,

// If you're using TypeORM
const sessions = await getRepository(Session).find({
relations: ['student', 'tutor', 'subject'],

No more slow queries === Users happy :)

Server overloading/crashing (CPU or Memory exhaustion)

Common causes: Single server instance & High volume of traffic (high concurrency)

- Containerization

Before the era of containerizationā€¦ To prevent our sever from crashing when thereā€™s a high volume of traffic to our app, is to scale vertically (upgrading the serverā€™s CPU or Memory).

Now, with Docker, you can just package your app in an isolated environment, create multiple instances of it, then do some load balancing.

  • ā€œHe who knows how to handle the storm of traffic, wins the war.ā€ - some dev (2024)

To get started, make sure to install Docker on your machine first.

If youā€™re new to Docker, watch this tutorial from Fireship to get a basic idea of how Docker works, then comeback here after.

Now, the goal here is to create multiple instances of our app and manage the instances without breaking a sweat. For that, we are going to use Docker Compose.

With your Dockerfile in place, weā€™ll create another file alongside it and call it ā€œdocker-compose.ymlā€ (must be the exact name).

app:                # šŸ‘ˆ change this to your desired service name 
    context: ./     # šŸ‘ˆ the directory containing your Dockerfile 
  image: api-server:latest   #  šŸ‘ˆ change this to your desired image name
    - "${PORT}"         # šŸ‘ˆ the PORT where your app listens to (gets the value from .env file)
  env_file: .env 
    replicas: 3          # šŸ‘ˆ IMPORTANT: create 3 instances of your API server

#  šŸ‘‡ We'll get more into that at "Load balancing" section
  image: nginx:alpine     
    - "9000:80"
    - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
    - app               # šŸ‘ˆ should match the service name of your API server

Then, alongside Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml, weā€™ll create the last file needed and call it ā€œnginx.confā€.

upstream WebPool {
server app:4000;     # šŸ‘ˆ "app" is the service name you specified in docker-compose.yml 
server app:4000;     # šŸ‘ˆ PORT should match what you declared in .env file
server app:4000;

server {
listen 80;

location / {
  proxy_redirect off;
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
  proxy_pass http://WebPool;

Finally, run the command below to start your app.

  • docker-compose up --build

Once the build is done and your app is ready, you should be able to access it on - http://localhost:9000. Try making some API calls and watch the logs so you can see which of the 3 instances of your app is processing the request.

With that, you just achieved horizontal scaling šŸ’Ŗ. The isolated instances of your app can better utilize the CPU and memory resources of the host machine by processing multiple requests in parallel. Additionally, thereā€™s now a low chance of server crashes because of exhausted resources, but, letā€™s say one instance fails, others can continue to serve requests. From your usersā€™ POV, your app is now more reliable.

- Load balancing

To be continued!


A master bowing